11.September 2024
6 pm - 10 pm
12.-15.September 2024
11 am - 7 pm
16.-22.September 2024
11 am - 7 pm
Schröderstr. 14
10115 Berlin
Unter dem Titel „Back to the Future“ präsentiert FH Fischer in dieser Ausstellung seine jüngsten Arbeiten – ein Sprung zurück zu seinen früheren Zeiten in der Malerei, begleitet von einem Hauch Nostalgie und einer Prise Vorfreude auf das, was kommen mag.
In den ausgestellten Werken geht es um das Zusammenspiel von Trennung und Verbindung, Spannung und Harmonie, Bewegung und Stillstand. Diese Themen durchziehen alle Arbeiten, wobei sie sich auf unterschiedliche Weise manifestieren. Farbflächen stehen im Dialog miteinander, getrennt und doch verbunden durch den Raum, der sie umgibt. Sanfte Verläufe und starke Kontraste erzeugen Dynamik, während Schichtungen und Texturen die physische Präsenz der Farben hervorheben. Alles fließt ineinander, und doch bleibt die Spannung zwischen den Elementen stets greifbar. Die Arbeiten laden dazu ein, in die Tiefe zu gehen, die feinen Übergänge und das subtile Spiel der Gegensätze zu erkunden, die in jedem Bild zu finden sind. So wird aus den scheinbar getrennten Themen ein Gesamtbild, das durch Bewegung und Energie geprägt ist.
Under the title „Back to the Future“, FH Fischer presents his latest works in this exhibition – a leap back to his earlier days in painting, accompanied by a touch of nostalgia and a hint of anticipation for what is yet to come.
The exhibited works explore the interplay of separation and connection, tension and harmony, movement and stillness. These themes run through all the works, manifesting in various ways. Colour fields engage in dialogue with one another, separated yet connected by the space that surrounds them. Gentle gradients and strong contrasts create dynamism, while layering and textures highlight the physical presence of the colours. Everything flows into one another, yet the tension between the elements remains palpable. The works invite the viewer to delve deeper, to explore the subtle transitions and the delicate play of opposites that can be found in every piece. Thus, the seemingly separated themes merge into a complete picture, characterised by movement and energy.
Laid Transition

Laid transitions
No. 23_A
150 x 168 cm
Acrylic on canvas

Laid transitions
No. 24
150 x 168 cm
Acrylic on canvas

Laid transitions
No. 19
150 x 168 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Layers Of Movement

Layers Of Movement
No. 12
85 x 120 cm
Acrylic on canvas

Layers Of Movement
No. 6_1_A
50 x 70 cm
Acrylic on paper

Layers Of Movement
No. 6_1_B
50 x 70 cm
Acrylic on paper

Layers Of Movement
No. 6_1_C
50 x 70 cm
Acrylic on paper

Layers Of Movement
No. 16
92 x 145 cm
Acrylic on canvas

Layers Of Movement
No. 18_1 Yellow
75 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard
Layers Of Movement
No. 18_4 Pink
75 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard
Layers Of Movement
No. 18_2 Orange
83 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard
Layers Of Movement
No. 18_5 Blue
75 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard
Layers Of Movement
No. 18_3 Red
86 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard
Layers Of Movement
No. 18_6 Green
83 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard

Layers Of Movement
No. 18_1 Yellow
75 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard

Layers Of Movement
No. 18_2 Orange
83 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard

Layers Of Movement
No. 18_5 Blue
75 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard

Layers Of Movement
No. 18_1 Yellow
75 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard

Layers Of Movement
No. 18_3 Red
86 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard

Layers Of Movement
No. 18_6 Green
83 x 78 cm
Acrylic on corrugated cardboard
The Magic of Separation

The Magic of separation
No. 1
50 x 70 cm
Acrylic on paper

The Magic of separation
No. 3
50 x 70 cm
Acrylic on paper

The Magic of separation
No. 11_3
98 x 118 cm
Acrylic on canvas

The Magic of separation
No. 11_4
100 x 130 cm
Acrylic on canvas

The Magic of separation
No. 11_5
110 x 140 cm
Acrylic on canvas

The Magic of separation
No. 7
50 x 70 cm
Acrylic on paper

The Magic of separation
No. 11_1
100 x 120 cm
Acrylic on canvas

The Magic of separation
No. 8
50 x 70 cm
Acrylic on paper
Contradictions in harmony

Contradictions in harmony
No. 15_1
100 x 115 cm
Acrylic on canvas

Contradictions in harmony
No. 15_2
100 x 115 cm
Acrylic on canvas